What should be in my employment contract?

The principal statement should include: the employers name; the employee's name, job title or a description of work; start date; how much and how often the employee will get paid; hours and days of work, holiday entitlement; where the employee will be required to work; whether the employee will be required to work in multiple locations and if so where; how long a job is expected to last and what the end-date is if it is a fixed-term contract; how long the probation period is and what it's conditions are; any other benefits; and obligatory training.

The wider written statement should include information on: pensions and pension schemes; collective agreements; ant rights to non-compulsary training provided by the employer; disciplinary and grievance procedures. In addition the employer must provide the employee with information about sick pay and procedures, other paid leave and notice periods on the first day of employment.

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